Periodic donations to the VVMG
With a periodic donation, you can make a long-term and valuable contribution to the Vereniging van Vrienden van Modern Glas (VVMG). You commit to donating a fixed amount for a minimum of 5 consecutive years. This not only gives you the opportunity to contribute structurally to the association, but your annual donations are also fully deductible from your income tax. Thanks to this tax advantage, you can do more for glass art without it costing you more. Moreover, a donation from €150 per year and up includes membership in the association.
Doing more for the same amount
A periodic donation allows you to significantly increase your contribution without placing an additional financial burden on you. An example:
An example: you want to give €100 per year to the VVMG and you pay 37.1% income tax annually.
- You donate €159 annually
- On this amount you do not pay 37.1% income tax (37.1% of €159 = €59)
- the €59 you get back from the tax.
Thus, your donation ends up costing YOU €100, while €159 goes to the association!
As a cultural ANBI, the VVMG offers an additional advantage: you may deduct 125% of the donation from your taxable income. In this example, that means a tax benefit of about €74 on, instead of €59.
How do you arrange a periodic donation?
The process is simple:
- Download the form
- The agreement consists of two copies: one for yourself and one for the VVMG.
- Complete both copies completely, print them out and sign both documents.
- Indicate how you want to pay (e.g., by direct debit or manual transfer).
- Send the forms by mail to:
Burgemeester Gratamaplein 1
7844 NM Veenoord - After the VVMG has processed and countersigned your forms, you will receive a copy in return. This formalizes your donation and assures you of your tax benefit.
Don’t have a printer, need help filling out or other questions? Contact us at We will be happy to assist you.
Practical information about periodic donations
Fees and minimum gift amount
There are no costs involved in preparing the donation agreement. However, we do ask for a minimum amount of €60 per year due to the deductibility of your donation and administrative burdens.
Membership included
A donation of €150 per year or more includes membership in the society. You automatically remain (or become) a member of the VVMG and receive all the benefits that come with it, such as the magazine GLAS and participation in exclusive activities.
A periodic donation has a minimum term of 5 years. However, we recommend choosing the indefinite term option in the form. After 5 years, you can stop at any time without further administration. If you decide to continue, you do not need to enter into a new agreement. Do you want to change the amount after 5 years? Then a new agreement is required. We are happy to help with that.
If you choose to transfer your donation manually, please use the following information:
- Bankrekeningnummer: NL51INGB0000490504
- In the name of: VVMG at Veenoord
- Please include “periodic donation” and your transaction and membership number on the transfer.
Tax return
In your tax return, you can easily report the periodic donation. Mention the cultural ANBI/RSIN number of the VVMG: 805341079. This ensures that you benefit from the extra tax advantage for donations to cultural institutions.
Why choose a periodic donation?
With a periodic donation, you make a substantial difference to the VVMG. Your contribution helps us organize activities, publish our magazine GLAS and promote glass art in the Netherlands and Belgium. Your support also gives us financial security for the future, so that we can commit ourselves structurally to our mission.