
With a membership to Glass – Quarterly Glass Art Magazine , you will stay fully informed about the latest developments in international glass art. Four times a year you will receive the beautiful magazine, packed with inspiring articles, interviews and news about exhibitions, design and architecture. In addition, membership offers exclusive benefits, such as access to studio visits and special activities.

The benefits of membership

  • Four times a year you will receive the magazine Glass;
  • Periodically you will receive our digital newsletter from the VVMG;
  • You can participate in exclusive studio visits in small groups and in special activities, such as glass tours and guided tours;
  • Annually, you have the opportunity to purchase the unique member object;
  • Several times a year you can participate in membership days with lectures and meetings with fellow glass enthusiasts.

Types of memberships

Private/artist (€ 66,-)
As an artist you can have a link to your own website placed on our site (we request a return link). Please mention your details when registering.

Companies and institutions (€ 126,-)
Company membership offers the opportunity to advertise in GLAS at reduced rates. In addition, your company will be listed on the company membership page in the magazine Glas.

Students (€36)
This fee applies for up to three years to anyone taking a full-time or part-time course in glass. Proof of study must be provided upon registration.


  • To send the magazine
    Glass in Europe outside the Netherlands or Belgium: €20.
  • To send the magazine
    Glass outside Europe: €45.
  • For the status of “patron of the National Glass Museum”: €45.

Welcome gift

As a welcome gift, you will receive the next issue of Glass magazine free of charge.


Cancellation can only be done by email to the membership administration. This must be done at least one month before the new calendar year.

Gift membership

Looking for an original gift?
Tired of borrowing your own copy of GLAS all the time?
Or would you like to get someone else excited about glass art and design in glass?

The cost of the gift membership is €66, equal to the standard rate for an annual membership. Give a gift membership to a fellow enthusiast now! The membership expires automatically after one year, without any further action on your part. We take care of everything for you!

Please remember to enter the desired start date so we know when the membership should start.

Would you like to give something tangible as a gift? Download the gift card (pdf) and print it out. On the inside you can write a personal message for the recipient.