Magazine Glass - Magazine for glass art

Glass – Magazine for Glass Art is the quarterly magazine of the VVMG. As a member, you will receive Glass – Quarterly magazine on glass art four times a year . Each issue of Glas magazine is packed with information about exhibitions, glass in design and architecture and the latest developments in (inter)national glass art.

Until 2018, the magazine was known as Fjoezzz.

Editorial Board

Do you have a question, comment or message you would like to share with the editors of Glass – Quarterly Magazine for Glass Art? Email the editors.

Main and final editing:

Piet Augustijn

Editorial Board:

  • Han de Kluijver
  • Krista Israel
  • Ida Scheijgrond


With approximately 900 members, the VVMG is the largest association for lovers of modern glass in the Netherlands and Belgium. Our members range from collectors and artists to gallery owners and museums, which makes advertising in Glas – Kwartaalmagazine voor Glaskunst an excellent way to reach an interested audience.

Corporate membership offers additional benefits such as advertising at reduced rates and listing of exhibitions and events in the magazine’s calendar.


In our archive you will find a list of all editions of Glass – Quarterly Magazine for Glass Art and the earlier issues under the name Fjoezzz.

In addition, you can access the tables of contents of both journals here.